Sadakathullah Appa College (Autonomous)


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Revaluation / Retotalling / Transparency of Scripts Notification !

1)Revaluation / Retotalling / Transparency Form is available in the College website portal . ( -> Examination - Downloads)

2)Students those who wish to apply for Revaluation / Retotalling / Transparency of answer scripts are instructed to download the Form and Challan from the College Website .

3)After paying the Revaluation / Retotalling / Transparency fee , students are informed to submit the Form with Challan in person to the office of the Controller of Examinations on or before 18/12/2024 at 5.00 p.m without further delay .

4)For any queries, Contact COE Office on or before 18/12/2024 05:00 PM in person .

**** Revaluation Form is not issued in the office of the COE.

**** Students those who have scored 50% or above of marks in the external passing minimum marks alone are eligible to apply for Revaluation. Others are not eligible.